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Motive Power Machine
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Internal Combustion Engine
Oil-Fired Generating Set
Other Power Machines
Tillage Machine
Farm Land Machinery
Field Management Machine
Cultivating Machine
Plant Protection Machine
Pruning Machine
Planting & Fertilizing Machine
Seeding Machine
Planting Machine
Feitilizer Machine
Harvesting Machine
Cereal Harvesting Machine
Corn Harvester
Cotton & Linen Harvester
Fruit Harvesting Machine
Harvest Postprocess Machine
Threshing Machine
Scalping Machine
Shelling Machine
Drying Machine
Primary Processing Machine
Rice Milling Machine
Milling Machine
Oil Machine
Cotton Processing Machine
Farm Transport Machine
Transports Machine
Load & Unload Machine
Agricultural Aircraft
Other Handling Machines
Drainage & Irrigation Machine
Water Pump
Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment
Livestock Aquaculture Machine
Feed Processing Machine
Animal Husbandry Machine
Collecting & Processing Equipment
Aquaculture Machine
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Country & region: 国家
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